Holds the data for the MintManager Account and provides de/serialization functionality for that data


  • MintManager



accountType: number[]
authority: PublicKey
inUseBy: COption<PublicKey>
mint: PublicKey
ruleset: PublicKey
version: number


  • Returns a readable version of MintManager properties and can be used to convert to JSON and/or logging

    Returns {
        accountType: number[];
        authority: string;
        inUseBy: COption<PublicKey>;
        mint: string;
        ruleset: string;
        version: number;

    • accountType: number[]
    • authority: string
    • inUseBy: COption<PublicKey>
    • mint: string
    • ruleset: string
    • version: number
  • Retrieves the account info from the provided address and deserializes the MintManager from its data.


    Error if no account info is found at the address or if deserialization fails


    • connection: Connection
    • address: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<MintManager>

  • Deserializes the MintManager from the data of the provided web3.AccountInfo.


    a tuple of the account data and the offset up to which the buffer was read to obtain it.


    • accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer>
    • offset: number = 0

    Returns [MintManager, number]

  • Fetches the minimum balance needed to exempt an account holding MintManager data from rent


    • args: MintManagerArgs

      need to be provided since the byte size for this account depends on them

    • connection: Connection

      used to retrieve the rent exemption information

    • Optional commitment: Commitment

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Provides a web3.Connection.getProgramAccounts config builder, to fetch accounts matching filters that can be specified via that builder.


    • programId: PublicKey = ...

      the program that owns the accounts we are filtering

    Returns GpaBuilder<MintManagerArgs>

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